Happy Halloween

Friday, July 24, 2009

It's been a while- I know!

So much has been going on! Where to start... Well Kaila is loving summer school or so it seems. She is on a new medicine to help her behaviors (it's now the weekend so we'll see if it is really helping), the doctor tried to tell me that I would have to place her in a home in 3-5 years (yuck to that doctor's way of thinking- although I like the doctor as a doctor), and Kaila is growing up - she would hate me for putting this out there but I noticed some under arm odor so I had to rush and get her deodorant- she's 8 what the heck?!

Kinley's updates are just as exciting- she is almost crawling, she gets on all fours and then rocks back and forth, when she wants something she yells at you if she doesn't get it, she steals bottles from the other kids at daycare, she makes me laugh every day with her excitement for life and electronics, she loves music and now rocks on her butt when music starts.

Oh we had family pics taken a couple of weeks ago (I'll post the link). I really need to decide on what photos I want, I can't decide on Kinley because well she's stinkin' cute!

I made 2 bandana dresses that I might post pics of soon but then I held them up to Kinley and I could wrap them around her so maybe she can wear them next year but I probably won't be able to find them by then!

All my friends are moving! Some closer some further away. I have the house itch real bad but we're waiting until next year.

I want to have gastric-bypass! I exercised hard core and watched what I ate and guess what, I didn't lose an ounce :( I have to wait to have the surgery though until I have another child. Paul won't let off the hook on that one :)

I signed up to be a Creative Memories Consultant - I mean it was $22, I love scrapbooking supplies, and I'm gonna give it a try! I am currently doing a fundraiser for Rett Syndrome with a Creative Memories event so that is exciting! I'll probably spend more than I make but oh well!

I want to go back to school for my degree in Social Work but when will I find the time? I have two small children, work full time, I am a co-rep for NY for Rett Syndrome, I am a Family Advisory Board Member for International Rett Syndrome Foundation, and I want time to do crafts. I'm not sure how this will happen but I really want to try school. There are some programs that require one night in class so that might be doable now that I'm married. Paul would be willing to help, before I had to go to online school because I couldn't go to a classroom.

Oh you'll notice some annoying ads now- just trying to see if it drives in any money- an experiment. Oh and I've noticed that I use the - (dash) a lot and the smiling/frowning faces.

I know there is other stuff but my brain is fried so I'm going to go for now. Here is the link to the pictures:
